Balance in life
Portfolio, 4. march 2015, viewed: 4674x, today: 1xIf you search for the balance, peace, harmony and freedom in your life, you usually think, that it waits somewhere, very often very far. And you can get it first after big fight, after getting very far, high, after you get rich or fulfil all your big dreams... It is not bad, it is normal, but definitely not true... Emotikona smile Such way, if honest with the dreaming child inside of you, will lead you very far, very often to incredible places. So listen to your dreams!!
And sometimes you find a place, where you have to return again and again. Your secret place, your private natural energy recharger... I found it here, 12 years ago, deep in nordic wilderness. Neverending love, power, inspiration...
Everybody has a few such personal places, waiting to be discovered.
In such places (and after making many necessary mistakes in the life) you realize, that freedom, peace and harmony in the life is nothing external or material, nothing what you can get or buy... You can only find it... Deep inside you... It is the formless space behing all the thoughts and forms... Here and now... In the only moment that exist... It is the real YOU... Connected with everything that exists...
People, please, go into the Nature with open mind and try to find your own secret place... You find there something, what will end all the stupid intentional wars, planned powerty, ridiculous artificial separation of people and also nonsensical destroying of our amazing mother Nature...
So simple it is...

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