Beauty of trail running
Portfolio, 8. august 2017, viewed: 5127x, today: 4xYesterday evening we went from "Chočské vrchy mountains" in Slovakia back home to CZ. We got caught by huge wonderful thunderstorm near town Dolný Kubín in the car. It was strong enough to "shake all normal tourists down" from the mountains I told myself. It was still a bit raining and foggy when we unexpectedly started to run up at 6 p.m. from Štefanova (a nice village under the fog on this picture). I love going up when everyone is going down. The reward is sometimes really beautiful, like this sunset 1000m higher at the top of one of the most beautiful mountains in Europe. No people anywhere, a small mirracle in the middle of the summer season here... I love trailrunning, allows you to react spontaneously, allows you to move fast in the mountains...

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